PARIS, Apr 8 — French macaron maestro Pierre Hermé has shared the secrets to his “mi-cuit” or half-baked chocolate cake on Instagram.

The secret, it seems, is using high quality chocolate. His recipe calls for Guanaja chocolate from the French brand Valrhona, a premium chocolate manufacturer.

Otherwise, the recipe is a simple, five-ingredient chocolate cake that is pantry and quarantine-friendly — no exotic ingredients or fancy professional baking tool required.

If you don’t have gourmet chocolate in your cupboard, use what you have.




🇫🇷 Aujourd’hui nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter la recette du gâteau au chocolat mi-cuit tout simple de Pierre Hermé 😋👉 un moule à cake classique beurré et fariné. 250 g de beurre doux 🧈 à température ambiante, 180 g de sucre 🧂, 200 g d’oeufs 🥚, 70 g de farine tamisée, 250 g de chocolat Guanaja 🍫 (@valrhonafrance) fondu. Mélangez dans l’ordre et versez dans le moule. Faites cuire à 180 degrés 30/35 minutes ⏱️ et laissez refroidir. A déguster sans modération ! . . 🇬🇧 Today we have the pleasure to present you Pierre Hermé’s simple recipe for the perfect half-baked chocolate cake 😋👉 a buttered and floured cake mould. 250 g of soft butter 🧈 at ambient temperature, 180 g of sugar 🧂, 200 g of eggs 🥚, 70 g of sifted flour, 250 g of melted Guanaja chocolate 🍫 (@valrhonausa). Mix the ingredients in the above order and pour into the mould. Bake in oven 180 °C for 30/35 minutes ⏱️ and leave to cool. Are you ready? 😉

A post shared by Maison Pierre Hermé Paris (@pierrehermeofficial) on


Here’s the recipe:

250g of soft butter at room temperature

180g of sugar

200g eggs

70g sifted flour

250 melted chocolate

Mix the ingredients in the order of appearance and pour into a buttered and floured cake tin. Bake in the oven at 180C for 30 to 35 minutes and leave to cool. — Afp-Relaxnews