KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 22 — Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) today chided PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang over his racially provocative claim that most of the corruption rate in Malaysia was contributed by non-Muslims and non-Bumiputera.

TI-M said corruption is colour blind and affects everyone.

"They have a narrow and myopic view of corruption and create feelings that are contrary to the concept of ‘Malaysian Family’ by the prime minister.

"Such comments made in a multi-racial, ethnic and religious democracy are deplorable, racist, defamatory and potentially inflammatory.

"Those who make such statements must be held accountable by law enforcement and regulatory agencies in this country such as the Royal Malaysian Police and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission,” TI-M president Muhammad Mohan said in a statement this morning.

The group also urged all Malaysians and those elected by the people to adopt an evidence-based approach towards understanding and fighting corruption, and refrain from making sweeping statements.

Earlier today, Kepong MP also urged the police to take action against the Islamist party president after the malicious statement that was made two days ago.

Two days ago, Abdul Hadi called for corruption to be eradicated holistically, likening it to a disease and labeling those involved as committing a huge sin.