KUALA LUMPUR, November 12 – Indonesian sex manual author and Instagram influencer Citra Ayu Mustika has shocked and tickled internet users with a cheeky advertisement to promote her book titled Uncensored along with condoms.

The advertisement that caught the attention of many internet users was spotted on Jakarta-based online adult shop Asmaraku.com.

What made the advertisement extra distinct was the portrayal of Citra Ayu in hijab, which often is a rare mix in a condom or adult products commercials.



A screengrab of the banner ad, which has been circulating on Twitter, is showing a promotional bundle which consisted of her book, a box of durex condoms and a “joy kit,” a bonus for those who purchase the book through the website.

According to the website’s description, Uncensored highlights a set of guidelines for “solehot wives,” a play on the combination of the words “solehah” (pious woman) and “hot” (referring to sexy).




Pagii Gais . Mau infoin promo gregettt buku terong Uncensored, persembahan @asmaraku_id x Durex ! . Kalo beli buku terong di @asmaraku_id , akan LANGSUNG DAPAT JOYKIT dari Durex! Maksudnya sih biar kalo abis baca buku bisa langsung praktek wokwokwokwokk . Harga buku dengan hadiah joykit jadi cuma Rp.99ribu dari harga normal Rp.168.250 😱 . Cocok banget buat klean yang belum dapet bukunya, yang pengen kadoin temen yang baru lahiran, ato temen yang baru nikahan, ato buat siapapun deh yang sekiranya perlu insight ttg life after babies 🙈 . Langsung aja ke website www.asmaraku.com/products/joy-kit-uncensored-durex . Ato cek story supaya bisa gercep swipe up karena persediaan bener2 terbatas bangetttt . Makasih banyak semuanya dan smg sukses berhasil dapetin buku Uncensored + paket Joy Kit nya! . #uncensoredbyolevelove #testimoniuncensored #asmaraku #durex #teronglyf #bukubestseller #bukupasutri

A post shared by citra ayu mustika (tetegram) (@olevelove) on

The mother-of-two and bank employee is widely known for boldly discussing marriage issues that includes sex, feelings, finance and many common household problems.

Citra Ayu is also seen unashamedly sharing intimate stories about her and her husband along with tips on breastfeeding success and post-natural sex for her more than 137,000 followers on Instagram.



Sore sore gini Enaknya me time Ngopi ngopi Pake baju busui cantik dari @biyu.id Sambil baca buku UNCENSORED eak masokkk 🤣🍆🤣🍆🤣🍆 . Nyatanya sore2 gini masih di kantor ngurus data rekon 😘 . . Review dikittt koleksi barunya @biyu.id yes. Baju dress nya @biyu.id kali ini bener2 bikin yang super busui friendly. Biasanya dress nya sleting depan, kali ini ada bukaan menyusui di kiri kanan . Dan bahan dress yg lg gw pake ini cucok banget adeeemmm lemessss jatooohhh di badannn dengan manjahhhh . Buat badan gw yg stunting inih, baju ini ga bikin badan gw kelelep yes. Panjangnya pas, klo pake wedges itu cakep deh gais. Bagian bawahnya klewer2 cakep gitu klo kena angin, tsaahhh . Baju ini motifnya pantai friendly. Bikin gw pengen main ke bali, ato ya minimal mampir ke ancol jg cukup dah yg ptg kena angin pantai 😂 . Dipantaw koleksi2nya @biyu.id gaiss. . Makasih semuanyaa 😘😘😘 . #pejuangasi #bajubusui

A post shared by citra ayu mustika (tetegram) (@olevelove) on

Her followers, mostly young mothers, have praised Citra Ayu’s bold move for openly highlighting such controversial topics.

Many of her fans have also defended Citra Ayu by slamming her critics online.

“I am annoyed. This is not about hijabi women or halal condoms,” commented one Twitter user.

“She is an Instagram celebrity who has shared many things about breastfeeding and new parents'