KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 26 — The police have confirmed the presence of drugs in the body of Yap Xin Yuan, 15, whose decomposed body was found in near Sungai Changgang, Banting last month.

Selangor Police Chief, Datuk Hussein Omar Khan, was quoted saying that they could not yet say that the drugs was the cause of her death and required extensive forensic review.

“The police are still investigating and gathering other evidence to identify the actual cause of the teenager’s death,” he was reported saying by Harian Metro.

“This is an investigation process and there are cases that police investigate that can be solved or gather enough evidence for prosecution.”

Hussein said there are cases where police need more time because the investigation cannot be completed within the remand period.

“The maximum we can detain someone for any offence is only for a period of 14 days, so when there is evidence that cannot be gathered within that period, we cannot detain any individual for longer than that.

“Even if the police give assurance, it does not mean that he will not be charged because we are still waiting for two things, namely the forensic report and the post-mortem report,” he said, referring to the suspect.

He said that after both reports are obtained, police will pass the investigation paper to the Deputy Public Prosecutor for a possible charge in court.

On December 22, the media reported that a teenage girl, Yap, was reported missing after attending a lion dance training session at Batu 11 basketball court in Cheras.

The police are focusing on the angle of misunderstandings and drug overdose in their investigation into the murder of the teenage girl under Section 302 of the Penal Code.