BINTULU, Jan 23 — The Sarawak Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) has dispatched an investigative team to the plant in Samalaju Industrial Park here following an explosion that occurred late last night.

In a statement posted on Facebook, Sarawak DOSH said that the team will conduct a thorough investigation to determine the cause of the incident, which took place around 10.55pm.

“Legal action will be taken against the responsible parties if there are violations under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act 514).

“Sarawak DOSH takes all accidents seriously and urges all employers to enhance safety and health standards at the workplace,” it said.

The latest Samalaju Industrial Park explosion occurred at the plant operated by OCIM Sdn Bhd.

According to a report from the plant’s safety officer, the incident is believed to have been caused by a hydrogen gas leak from a filter vessel that accumulated within the shelter at PS1 A1 Section.

Fortunately, no casualties were reported. — The Borneo Post