PETALING JAYA, June 8 — The Covid-19 pandemic has forced Taiwan’s last brothel to close its doors after it failed to make money since the deadly disease hit.

One of the main reasons for the brothel’s closure was its decline in clients due to competition from illegal sex work, according to Taiwan News.

Another Taiwanese portal Liberty Times reported that the brothel, Tiantianle, located at 99 Minquan Road in Taiwan’s Taoyuan district had almost no income.

This has resulted in employees taking leave and the closure of business on June 3.

The brothel owner, however, didn’t specify whether the business will resume after Covid-19 and has not applied for their withdrawal of license.

If the sex industry business does not resume by July 1, the brothel’s license will be revoked, according to the portal.

Taiwan Times said that the owner is reportedly attempting to help the four former employees — who are all registered sex workers — find other work.

It is also reported that there were initially four remaining legal brothels in Taiwan in 2018 — including Tiantianle in Taoyuan district.

The other three that had closed their doors were located in other areas of Taiwan such as Taichung, Yilan and Penghu.

Reasons for having their operations ceased were due to the owner’s death, license revoked and the elderly owner had passed away.