PUTRAJAYA, Jan 25 — The job rotation policy for civil servants stationed at service counters for over five years must be implemented in stages to ensure it does not disrupt the operation of government services, said Public Service director-general (KPPA) Tan Sri Wan Ahmad Dahlan Abdul Aziz.
He said the effort aligns with the directive from the Chief Secretary to the Government, Tan Sri Shamsul Azri Abu Bakar, which must be implemented this month.
He said the Public Service Department (PSD) will coordinate the rotation of clerical counter staff, who are general officers, involving 1,063 individuals.
He said that the PSD would ensure that the relevant departments carry out job rotations under the supervision of their respective heads for non-general officers, such as those from the Road Transport Department (JPJ) and the Immigration Department.
Wan Ahmad Dahlan said counter staff deal with knowledgeable customers who demand explanations. Therefore, the staff members should also be knowledgeable so that the processes run smoothly and the public can enjoy better services.
“We will find ways to equip them (with knowledge),” he said during an interview.
Wan Ahmad Dahlan said that the five-year job rotation is not a new policy; it has been practised by the federal public service for the past twenty years.
The PSD also hoped that the state public services and statutory bodies could implement the policy, following numerous complaints regarding the quality of service at government service counters.
He added that officers of non-sensitive positions are given up to eight years to serve in their posts.
Wan Ahmad Dahlan believes that this policy is beneficial as it helps public servants gain additional knowledge and experience, enhance safety, and expand their professional networks.
He said that in addition to monitoring civil servants’ performance, the PSD will also ensure department heads implement the job rotation policy according to the set principles for the overall benefit of the public service. — Bernama