KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 6 — Driven by desperation, an individual in Malaysia has offered to sell a kidney or eye for RM250,000 to RM300,000 on Facebook to help reclaim family land that had been pawned off.
The offer is one of many posted on a Facebook page called “Mencari Penderma Buah Pinggang” (Looking for kidney donors), and highlights how prevalent the practice is being openly carried out on social media, much like how people advertise for things to sell.

It is also indicative of the hard times that have befallen the average Malaysian, who has had to resort to such drastic measures just to get their hands on some cash.
A visit to the site showed that the page has 717 members who hail from all over Malaysia.
In the Facebook post on November 24, 2023, a woman with the user name “Aisy Lelika” detailed her age, health status and blood type and stated that she wanted to sell her kidney for RM500,000. She listed her phone number for those interested.
One post, which was uploaded six days ago, showed a member asking about a procedure one needed to undergo to check the health of a kidney.
The person, from Kuantan, Pahang, then proceeded to announce that he/she would like to sell a kidney.
Another poster said that he was looking for a person who wanted to buy a kidney and to private message him.
Another user “Tiada Nma” offered to sell a kidney for less than RM10,000 adding that he or she was in a desperate situation.
The practice of selling organs is illegal in Malaysia.
The Health Ministry emphasises that organ donation should be made on a voluntary basis and not for financial gain.
The ministry allows living organ donation only to close blood relatives, which includes an identical twin, a first degree relative and second degree relative.
Donations are also allowed to a legal spouse, either husband or wife.