KAPIT, June 18 — The Ministry of Education (MoE) has been asked to send teachers for training in Taiwan or China.
According to Julau MP Datuk Larry Sng, doing so would ensure high standards at a lower cost.
“I hope the Ministry of Education will send teachers to train in Taiwan or China because their standard is high. Teachers can learn from their working culture and discipline to further enhance the teaching and learning processes.
“Compared to studying in England, Australia, or New Zealand, it is much cheaper in Taiwan or China — three or four times cheaper and yet the standard is comparable or even better,” he said during SJK Hock Lam’s Teachers’ Day dinner here on Monday.
Separately, the SJK Hock Lam board of management chairman said a tender will be called next month for earthwork and levelling land owned by the school in Bletih.
“The tender will be called in July to carry out earthwork and levelling the 10 acres of land, slope and terrace cutting, earth filling, and levelling. We have to do it before the diesel price shoots up or else it would be more costly,” Sng said.
SJK Hock Lam is the only Chinese-medium aided primary school in Kapit.
It has over 40 teachers and some 700 pupils. — The Borneo Post