KUALA LUMPUR, June 17 — Telemong PAS Youth chief Mohamad Yusuf Abdullah received a knife wound to his right leg while slaughtering a cow in Kampung Matang, near Hulu Terengganu today.
The incident happened around 9.30am during the sacrificial ceremony for Aidiladha when Mohamad Yusuf’s knife slipped and struck his calf, Utusan Malaysia reported this afternoon.
“He received initial treatment at HHT and I understand he has been transferred to Sultanah Nur Zahirah Hospital, Kuala Terengganu for further treatment,” Mohd Safari Abu, chairman of the Telemong State Assembly Action Council who witnessed the scene, was quoted as saying.
HHT stands for the Hulu Terengganu Hospital.
According to Mohd Safari, it was customary for Mohamad Yusuf to perform the Aidiladha slaughter at several villages in the Telemong constituency every year.
He said this was the first year an incident happened, adding that the animal slaughter proceeded smoothly after that.