KUCHING, Sept 16 — Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) president Datuk Seri Wong Soon Koh has refuted the claim by Sarawak Democratic Action Party (DAP) that PSB is the cause of split opposition votes, providing winnability to Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS), in the last state election.

Wong, who is also Bawang Assan assemblyman, also refuted the state DAP chairman Chong Chieng Jen’s claim that PSB has shut its door to the DAP in their negotiation on seat arrangement for the next parliamentary election (or GE15).

Wong said the negotiation with the DAP had only stalled.

“In fact, it was the DAP that has shut its door to PSB. The DAP has said all of its incumbent parliamentary seats are non-negotiable. Meaning all urban seats are theirs. There is no give-and-take by them. So it was the DAP which has shut its door on us,” Wong pointed out when contacted.

Due to DAP’s stubbornness, he said PSB had no other choice but to find ways with other opposition parties, particularly the local-based ones, in preparation to face GPS along with Pakatan Harapan (PH), of which the DAP is part.

Wong stressed that it would be most difficult to cooperate with the DAP now when their incumbent seats are non-negotiable, as much as he wanted to see a united opposition front contesting against GPS in the GE15.

Parliamentary seats held by Sarawak DAP now are Stampin (Chong), Bandar Kuching (Dr Kelvin Yii), Mas Gading (Mordi Bimol), Sibu (Oscar Ling) and Sarikei (Wong Ling Biu). Except for Mas Gading, the rest are considered urban seats.

Another urban seat held by the PH via Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) is Miri represented by Michael Teo).

PSB holds the rural based seat Selangau under Baru Bian.

Pro-federal government Parti Bangsa Malaysia (PBM) and Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) hold Julau (Datuk Larry Sng) and Saratok (Datuk Ali Biju) parliamentary seats respectively.

Earlier on Wednesday, Chong hit out at Wong for being insincere during seats negotiation.

He also accused Wong of shutting PSB’s door on DAP by saying Wong wanted to negotiate on seats with the DAP but prior to that he had agreed terms with Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK), thereby making collaboration difficult.

With PSB also fighting against other opposition parties, this heightens the winnability of GPS, Chong said. — Borneo Post Online