KUALA LUMPUR, July 20 — Dewan Rakyat has today decided to revoke the decision made by MPs on March 23 earlier this year to cancel the enforcement of sub-section 4(5) of the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma), regarding the 28-day holding period of detainees.

A total of 105 MPs supported the motion while 83 MPs did not with 32 MPs absent, said Speaker Tan Sri Azhar Harun in the late afternoon.

The motion cleared the way for Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin to put a fresh motion to extend the effective period of sub-section 4 (5) of Sosma for another five years.

The effective period will end on July 31 and must be renewed every five years to be valid.

“If this vote passes, I can table for the motion to renew the clause next week,” Hamzah said before the vote.

Earlier, 15 MPs from the government and opposition had debated the matter with the former saying it may help to curb crime and keep the public safe, while the latter argued that the detainees would not be able to meet any representative or judge for 28 days.

On March 23, the government’s motion to continue with the powers to detain suspects for up to 28 days without trial under Sosma was shot down by MPs when the amendment was put to vote in the House.