JOHOR BARU, June 14 — The Johor government will review the state’s current weekend off days on Friday and Saturday, Mentri Besar Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi said today.

He said this is in response to public grouses about the different weekend off days between the government and the private sector.

“I am aware of the difficulties. The state government will review this matter so that parents and children can rest on the same day.

“I will announce a solution soon after finding a suitable approach to resolve this matter,” he said in his speech at the Persada International Convention Centre here.

The Johor government has been observing Friday and Saturday as its rest days since January 1, 2014 following a decree from the state Ruler Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar in conjunction with his 55th birthday celebration on November 23, 2013.

He was reported to have said that the change was to make it easier for Muslims in the state to attend Friday prayers.

Prior to that, it was Saturday and Sunday, which is still the current practice for the private sector in Johor.