KUALA LUMPUR, July 29 — An activist who is part of the #Lawan campaign has been arrested today for investigation under Section 4(1) of the Sedition Act 1948 while giving her statement at the Dang Wangi police.

According to Sekretariat Solidariti Rakyat (SSR) who is organising the protest scheduled for this Saturday, Sarah Irdina Mohamad Ariff, 20, from the youth collective MISI: Solidariti has had her phone confiscated, and a search warrant has been issued to raid her home.

The SSR has previously claimed that the police had also harassed Sarah’s family when calling her into questioning today.

Sarah’s lawyer Goh Cia Yee said that police are planning to detain her overnight at the police station, Malaysiakini reported.

“They have arrested her now with the intention to detain her overnight… Her house has not been raided yet and there is no confirmation on when they would like to do so.

“They intend to do so but the timeline of this is uncertain at the moment because they have some paperwork to sort out,” Goh reportedly said.

Section 4(1) handles act with seditious tendency which include uttering seditious words and distributing.

If found guilty, one is liable to a fine not exceeding RM5,000 or prison not more than three years, or both.

In a brief statement on social media, MISI: Solidariti has also demanded the authorities to release Sarah immediately.

“Seeing one of ours be silenced and harassed by the authorities is infuriating. We stand in complete solidarity with Sarah and we demand her immediate release,” it said

It also urged netizens to show solidarity and support to Sarah by using the hashtags #FreeSarah, #ActivistAreNotCriminals and #LawanIntimidasi in their social media posts.

This comes as three other SSR activists — Tharma Pillai, Afiq Adib and Muhammad Alshatri — were also questioned by the police today.

The trio are being investigated under Section 505(b) of the Penal Code which handles “making statements conducive to public mischief” and Section 233(1) of the Communications and Multimedia Act over sharing offensive content.

Today marks the fifth day straight that the police have questioned activists and participants related to the #Lawan protest this Saturday, and a convoy in support of it last weekend.

The protest planned in Dataran Merdeka this Saturday is calling for Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to step down, for Parliament to continue sitting, and automatic loan moratorium for Malaysians.