KOTA KINABALU, Oct 21 — Following the spike in Covid-19 cases here, the Sabah National Registration Department (NRD) will close its offices in the state and will only be available via appointments from tomorrow.

State NRD director Khairrul Aminus Kamaruddin said this included branches in Covid-19 green and yellow zones such as Kota Marudu, Pitas, Telupid, Tongod, Kuala Penyu, Sipitang, Tenom and Nabawan.

“As of tomorrow, we will close all these offices and will only be available for emergencies, like losing their MyKad and via appointments only,” he said.

He said the decision was based on the government’s announcement that all public and private sector workers should work from home in order to flatten the curve.

Previously, the NRD only closed its offices in red zones but cases of Covid 19 continue to escalate around the country, especially in Sabah, which saw 673 new cases yesterday.

Those who have emergencies with the department can call their hotline at 088-488300, 088-488301 or 088-488365