KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 24 — PAS’ Marang MP Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang has called on the government to take a firm stand against those who challenge Shariah law.

He said such actions by certain quarters cannot be ignored by Muslims.

“When it comes to Shariah law, the judges said the power lies with the State.

“But this (case) challenges Islam, challenges the Shariah court, it is something that the Muslims cannot ignore.

“That is why I am warning the government, as this touches Islam, it touches Allah, it touches the Rulers, it touches the Muslims.

“If they don’t take action, we will take action,” Hadi told Parliament today during his debate speech on the Supply Bill 2024.

Although he did not state the incident or the case, the PAS president could likely be referring to the constitutional challenge raised by lawyer Nik Elin Zurina Nik Abdul Rashid against the Kelantan state government.

He added that if necessary, the matter will be referred to court.

“How will we act? Wait and see... until we succeed in defending Islam,” Hadi said.

“Now that this is challenging the Shariah court, it is more than an insult. So I am reminding the government: please attend to this matter,” Hadi said.

Yesterday, PAS Kota Baru MP Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan had demanded that the religious affairs minister explain the federal government’s decision not to intervene in the constitutional challenge raised by Nik Elin against the Kelantan government.

Takiyuddin claimed Datuk Mohd Na’im promised on September 18 to provide a written parliamentary reply but had yet to do so.

Nik Elin, a lawyer, and her daughter Tengku Yasmin Natasha Tengku Abdul Rahman, sued the PAS-controlled state in May to nullify and void 20 provisions in the Kelantan Syariah Criminal Code (I) Enactment 2019.

They claimed the Kelantan legislative assembly has no powers to make criminal laws, and cited Article 4(4) of the Federal Constitution.

Under Article 4(4), the validity of any laws made by the Parliament or state legislature can be questioned in court.

In August, a panel of nine Federal Court judges heard a constituency review of 20 provisions in the Kelantan Syariah Criminal Code (I) Enactment 2019 as part of the proceedings for Nik Elin’s case and was reported saying that there was no dispute arising over Islam as the official religion of the federation in the hearing.