KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 21 — The Dewan Negara has allowed all members of the Senate and officials to wear batik shirts on Thursdays, announced its president Tan Sri Dr Rais Yatim.

He made the announcement in accordance with Standing Order 90 (Residuary Powers) before the start of the winding-up session of the 12th Malaysia Plan at the Dewan Negara sitting today.

“I am pleased to announce that the Dewan Negara has always supported the development and growth of the country’s batik industry.

“Especially in guaranteeing and ensuring that the country’s artistic heritage and identity remain preserved, fresh, appreciated and subsequently known to the international community, as well as developing and increasing the textile industry in Malaysia,” he said.

At the same time, he also encouraged the use of local batik.

Rais said that the move would not only highlight the spirit of unity among the members of the Senate to support the country’s heritage, but also boost Malaysia’s image among the people, who are now more sensitive to the role and function of the country’s legislature.

“I am happy to state that the policy of wearing batik is alive again,” he said.

On October 11, the House Committee agreed to the proposal for members of Parliament to be allowed to wear long-sleeved Malaysian batik shirts when attending the Dewan Rakyat sittings on Thursdays. — Bernama