KOTA KINABALU, June 28 — Torrential rainfall since yesterday caused extensive flooding throughout the town of Donggongon, Penampang near here, affecting all activities in the area.

A Bernama check found that only a few roads in the area were accessible, that also only by four-wheel-drive vehicles, and most of the vehicles that wanted to go through the town had to turn back.

Among the roads inundated by flood waters and inaccessible to light vehicles are Jalan Kiranau Inobong, Jalan Kolopis, Jalan Datuk Panglima Banting, Jalan Kibabaig and Jalan Kivatu Kasigui.

A restaurant operator, Ewon Mojilis, 40, said that since early this morning his restaurant in Donggongon town had been inundated by up to 2 metres of water

“I had expected the water to rise because of heavy rain since yesterday which only stopped at 7.00 am this morning.  Every time it rains, the water rises rapidly,” said Ewon, who has been doing business in the area since the last four years.

Ewon said he was reduced to misery, when his house in Kampung Limbanak was also flooded up to shoulder level.

“I just moved to the village two years ago and this is the first time the house has been flooded... many equipment were damaged including the refrigerator and many other electrical appliances. But all the important documents were saved,” he said.

He said the all essential items that could be easily washed away had been stored in high places since yesterday and only chairs and tables were left outside his restaurant.

“No loss of property was incurred, but as before we will take up to two days to clean the shop and the area around it before resuming operations. So I hope the weather is good today so the situation here recovers quickly,” he said.

Meanwhile, another villager, Surianto Suband, 34, who lived near the town, said he had to take a day off as his house was submerged in three metres of water.

“Many of the items on the ground floor were damaged such as mattresses and many equipment used in contractor’s work. But other important items were moved to the top of the house,” said Surianto, who is now moving to his cousin’s house until the flood recedes.

He said it was the fifth time his house had been flooded over the years.

“Every time it rains heavily, we can’t do anything because this is the only house we have and we are resigned to the situation. What we hope for is the flood to subside quickly,” he said.

Another resident, Salmah Omar, 56, who also lived around the area said that since yesterday she and her five children had moved all the things upstairs.

“The ground floor of our house has been flooded. We are also fortunate not to have to move to the temporary evacuation centre because it is far away and we will stay here until the situation improves,” she added. — Bernama