KUALA LUMPUR, March 13 — Perlis Islamic authorities have directed Muslims not to perform Friday prayers in the state’s mosques today, Crown Prince Syed Faizuddin Putra Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Jamalullail announced.

He said the decision was based on a decree from the Raja of Perlis and following recommendations of the Health Ministry regarding the coronavirus disease (Covid-19).

“[Therefore], the Perlis Islamic Religious and Malay Customs Council (MAIPs), in observing the decree and wishes of Raja Perlis Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail, has decided that Friday prayers in all of Perlis on March 13 be replaced with Zohor prayers in individual homes,” he said in a statement.

“This is pursuant to recent events including the announcement from the Health Ministry. The ministry has recommended that mass gathering including religious activities be avoided.

“Therefore, the management of mosques in Perlis should refrain from carrying out any large-scale public gathering activities at this time.”

Yesterday, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Islamic Affairs) Datuk Seri Zukifli Mohamad said Friday prayers may continue unless the Covid-19 situation worsens, albeit with added precautions.

Attention befell mass religious gatherings after it was discovered that an event held at a mosque in Sri Petaling earlier this month included attendees who have since tested positive for Covid-19.

Authorities are tracking around 5,000 citizens across the country believed to have been potentially exposed to the coronavirus at a religious event there.

The event was also attended by foreign nationals including Bruneians who have also been confirmed to have Covid-19.