PUTRAJAYA, Oct 31 — Participants of the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) programme and Malaysians with foreign driving licences can convert their licences to a Malaysian driving licence beginning tomorrow.

Road Transport Department (JPJ) director-general Datuk Seri Shaharuddin Khalid said the conversion would be granted to individuals who have valid driving licence from their country of origins.

“The licence must be a full licence and does not include learning licence, temporary licence or probationary licence,” he told a press conference here today.

Shaharuddin said the conversion application process could only be done at the JPJ headquarters and state-level JPJ offices.

He said their original driving licence would be converted to a Malaysian probationary licence (P licence) and they must comply with the same rules and regulations observed by Malaysians with P-licences.

“This is to ensure that these individuals have the competence to drive and to educate them to comply with all traffic rules in the country,” he said.

For those with driving licences from countries not signatories to any treaty or agreement with Malaysia, Shaharuddin said they had to attend classes and sit for traffic laws theory test.

“This is to ensure that they understand the laws and road regulations in Malaysia, which may differ from other countries,” he said.

MM2H participants who are no longer in the programme or have breached any of its terms, will have their licences revoked, he said. — Bernama