KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 23 — The Home Ministry has officially banned the Belt and Road Initiative for Win-Winism comic by former DAP activist Hew Kuan Yau.

In a statement today, the Home Ministry had deemed the comic as insensitive towards multicultural Malaysia and also inappropriate as it promotes “communism and socialism” as well as spreading confusing facts” on its struggle here in the country.

“The contents of this publication among others try to promote the ideology of communism and socialism as well as spread wrong and confusing facts about communists while trying to raise support and sympathy towards the communist struggle.,

“It could raise the reader’s doubts especially to younger generations on Malaysia’s history, thus disputing the struggle by past national leaders in fighting for independence and the development of the country

“The contents of this publication is seen to not take into account the sensitivity of Malaysia’s diverse races and religion as well as seen to be a concern in disrupting the harmony and unity of its people,’’ said the statement.

Those who print, import, produce, publish, sell, or distribute the comic, if charged, can be jailed not more than three years, or fined not more than RM20,000 or both under the Printing under Section 8(2) of the Printing Presses and Publication Act.

Members of the public who wish to report on the illegal distribution of the book can do so via the Home Ministry’s enforcement line at 03-88868047 or fax 03-88891682. Members of the public can also email the Home Ministry at http://moha.spab.gov.my.

The book was released to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Malaysia and is edited by Hew.

Hew resigned from DAP in 2014 following criticism for his statements and fiery speech but continued to present in the party’s campaign, especially in the Chinese-majority areas.

Hew was appointed the chief executive officer of the Malaysia-China Business Council that is headed by DAP chairman Tan Kok Wai after Pakatan Harapan’s historic win last year.

The comic book, which is available in Mandarin, Malay and English has a foreword written by DAP secretary general Lim Guan Eng and photos of both Hew and deputy education minister Teo Nie Ching were circulated on social media.

The Education Ministry said last week it did not approve the distribution of the comic book in secondary and vernacular schools.

It told state education departments and district education offices to ensure all schools do not accept or distribute this comic book from any supplier.