IPOH, July 30 — The police said today they will call MCA women’s wing chief Datuk Heng Seai Kie to give a statement, after she allegedly made a slanderous remark on the alleged rape case involving a state executive councillor (exco).

Perak Police chief Datuk Razarudin Husain said Heng’s claim, that a forensic report on the case was missing, was then quoted by a Facebook page called “1 Malaysia Tolak DAP” that is currently also being investigated.

“The Facebook posting said ‘the forensic report on the rape case involving a DAP exco was reported missing. How can it be missing? Did an invisible person ordered the report to be obliterated’?”

“The posting also relates Heng’s recent media statement. We will call her to record statement,” he said in a statement.

Earlier today, Razarudin said the police have lodged a report against the Facebook page, and an investigation paper has been opened and investigated under Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, and Section 500 of the Penal Code.

Section 233 handles “improper use of network facilities or network service”, while Section 500 deals with defamation.

He also clarified that the forensic report has not yet been submitted by the Chemical Department and the hospital.

Tronoh assemblyman Paul Yong was arrested earlier this month after he was accused of raping his Indonesia domestic help at this house in Ipoh, and was later released on bail.

Razarudin previously said that statements were taken from both Yong and the 23-year-old Indonesian worker, with medical examination also performed on both as part of the investigation.

The case has been classified under Section 376 of the Penal Code for rape based on preliminary investigations.