MUAR, Jan 4 — A search-and-rescue team has found safe three men who had hiked up Bukit Mor in Parit Jawa near Muar and then lost their way.  

The team, comprising personnel from the Muar Fire and Rescue Station, Department of Civil Defence and the police, brought down Tan Sze Yen, 26, his brother Tan Sze Kie, 23, and Wong Ken Li, whose age was not disclosed, at about 10pm yesterday.

Muar Fire and Rescue Station chief Marzuki Ismail said the Tan brothers had hiked up the hill at about 5pm and lost their way.

As they were looking for a way downhill, they met Wong who had also lost his way, he added.

Marzuki said the state was summoned for help at 7.48pm and rushed 12 personnel to the hill.

Five personnel from the Department of Civil Defence, five policemen and several villagers also helped in the search operation.

The search-and-rescue team found the trio at about 9pm in a state of exhaustion, Marzuki said. — Bernama