SIBU, Oct 24 — Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) is expected to contest up to eight seats in the coming 15th general election (GE15), said its president Datuk Sri Wong Soon Koh.

Speaking to reporters after officiating at the joint installation of five Toastmasters Clubs here last night, Wong said so far, the confirmed seats that PSB is contesting are Sibu, Lubok Antu, Sri Aman, Miri, Serian and Lawas.

“(PSB is going for) Six to eight seats so far. We want to conserve our resources in seats which we think are more winnable.

“That is why we do not want to compete in too many seats. Right now, we have Sibu, Lubok Antu, Sri Aman, Miri, Serian and Lawas. And then, we are looking for some more.


“Sibu and Miri – these are the two urban seats (that PSB is contesting),” said Wong, when asked an update on the number of seats that PSB will be contesting in the 15th General Election (GE15).

Wong also reiterated that he will be contesting in Sibu as it is the wish of his party.

He said he has been moving around the parliamentary constituency, starting off with the Chinese community areas.


Asked on seat negotiation, Wong said the party is no longer negotiating with the Democratic Action Party (DAP), as the party has made it clear that the urban seats are non-negotiable.

“So, there is no more talk between us because they say all incumbent seats are non-negotiable. All we ask for is for them to give us one or two urban seats, but they said they cannot because all their incumbent seats are non-negotiable.

“And they told me, they told my party to go to the rural areas (to contest). Ours (PSB) is a multi-racial party, we need to go to of course, the Dayak areas, Orang Ulu, Bidayuh and so on.

“But we also need some urban seats, which are more Chinese (majority) seats. But to them, non-negotiable. So, that is the end of our negotiation. No more, full stop. Anyway, they (DAP) have already announced (their candidates),” he said.

Meanwhile, Wong said PSB is now actively organising training sessions for its polling and counting agents in preparation for GE15.

Malaysian voters will head to the polls on Nov 19, while nomination will be on Nov 5, and early voting has been fixed on Nov 15. — Borneo Post