KOTA KINABALU, Sept 28 – Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor launched the state's low-cost public housing scheme on the eve of Gabungan Rakyat Sabah-Barisan Nasional's (GRS-BN) second anniversary today.

He said that home ownership was among the state’s priorities moving forward.

"That is why besides giving attention to the main growth sectors and economic recovery in Hala Tuju Sabah Maju Jaya (SMJ), the government also focuses on the second thrust of the development plan, which is human capital and people's prosperity, which isensuring that people have roofs over their heads," he said.

Rumah Mesra SMJ, which adopts the Hardcore Poor Housing Project (PPRT) concept, was mooted to help those under the poverty line to own a home.

"For this very reason, I often stress that all government policies and programmes that are being planned must be orientated on people's prosperity. The poor must never be sidelined," he said.

The houses will be built in all 73 state constituencies utilising the federal special grant RM125.6 million which was channelled to the State Rural Development Ministry this year.

The federal government on April 14 announced that Sabah will receive a five-fold increase in its special grant from the previous RM26.7 million. Hajiji had said that the money would be spent on helping the poor, including a low-cost housing project.

Each house would cost RM70,000, which Hajiji hopes would be completed on schedule.