KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 12 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob has ordered the Ministry of Health (MOH) to give the best treatment to Datuk Seri Najib Razak following claims of the latter’s deteriorating health.

“I have been informed about Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak’s health condition.

“I have instructed the Malaysian Ministry of Health (KKM) to provide the best treatment he needs.

I pray for his health,” he tweeted today.

Najib’s family members claimed that the former prime minister — whose condition deteriorated today — was discharged despite being in ill health.

Najib — who is serving a 12-year jail sentence — was first reported to have been admitted to HKL on Monday, September 4.

The next day, his daughter Nooryana Najwa revealed that Najib was hospitalised for stomach ulcers — a problem he has suffered from for years which can lead to internal bleeding.

However, Health Ministry director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said Najib was in good health when he was discharged from the hospital.

He said Najib was admitted to HKL on Friday, September 9, for an elective check-up to ensure he was in optimal health, and not for an emergency.

He added that the hospital held two family conferences to update Najib’s kin on the test results — and that the doctors unanimously decided he could be discharged.

Nooryana stated otherwise, writing on her Instagram today that a scope was performed on Najib on Saturday, in which new ulcers were discovered.

“During the scope, the doctors at HKL also did a biopsy which led to some bleeding and the ulcer had to be clipped to stop the bleeding.

“Najib requested for observation at HKL but was denied, the doctor discharged him and today Najib attended court,” she said.

Najib had to be sent back to the hospital today, with deputy public prosecutor Tan Sri Gopal Sri Ram saying the former prime minister’s condition was “quite bad”.