KUCHING, Aug 23 — PAS president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang should be permanently blacklisted from entering Sarawak, Parti Rakyat Sarawak vice-president Datuk Liwan Lagang said today.

Liwan, who is also state deputy utility and telecommunication minister, castigated Hadi for his recent disparaging remarks describing non-Muslims and non-Bumiputera as being the “roots of corruption” in the country.

“What has become of you as the leader of your party?

“Do you want to be remembered as a racist and religious bigot instead of leaving behind an honourable legacy like the late PAS spiritual advisor, Tok Guru Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat, who was respected by all Malaysians regardless of race and religion as a wise person?" Liwan asked when responding to Hadi's recent statement.

“Instead, you have not led by example because I have not heard anything positive that comes out of your mouth ever since you insulted us back in 2009,” Liwan said.

He recalled that Hadi had blamed Dayaks for losing in the 2009 Batang Ai by-election when PAS was a component party in Pakatan Rakyat, the precursor to Pakatan Harapan.

Liwan said he remembered Hadi describing the Sarawak indigenuous community as “ignorant cawat” (loincloth-wearing) voters who did not know how to vote.

The Sarawakian urged Prime Minister Datuk Ismail Sabri to censure Hadi and sack the latter as special envoy to the Middle East.

“And I would also like to recommend to the Sarawak government that Hadi be barred for life from entering Sarawak as this Land of the Hornbill should not welcome such awful character to our shore.

“Sarawak is so blessed because our leaders, led by our Premier Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg understands and respects all religions and races in the state.

“If Hadi is so blind as he has shown himself to be, he should learn from our premier,” the Belaga assemblyman said, holding up Abang Johari as a model moderate Muslim leader.

Liwan said corruption is not a social disease and cannot be ascribed to any one race or religion.

“To say the majority of those who chase illicit gains in Malaysia are non-Muslims and non-Bumiputera is just a sweeping comment without providing proper data and statistics.

“And what is worse is that it does not reflect the reality of what is happening now in Malaysia,” he added.

He reminded Hadi that PAS-led Kelantan remains one of the poorest states in the country.

“If Hadi is a capable leader, he should work quietly and let his works be seen as an example in all PAS-led states to prosper,” he said.

On August 20, Hadi claimed that non-Muslims and non-Bumiputera made up the majority of those who formed the “roots of corruption”, even as he called for it to be stamped out.

“If we want to deal with corruption we must first tackle it from the grassroots. If not it will eventually become a disease. These groups who chase illicit gains are the ones who eventually control the economy.

“They then damage our politics as they are the roots for corruption and the majority of them are non-Muslims and non-Bumiputera,” Hadi, who is also Marang MP, said in his Facebook post.