JULY 18 ― As I write this tears are forming in my eyes as news of yet another Malaysian plane, this time MH 17 is not coming home... It's a tragedy beyond belief and I have no words for it... I am numb beyond my senses and speechless to the loss of yet so many innocent lives.

So many lives who will never see their dreams come through, so many lives who will never see their goals met and so many lives who can continue to contribute to humanity and the health of this world lost forever.

My heart bleeds to hear of yet another daughter or son asking when is mummy or daddy coming home, knowing that it's the most heartbreaking answer to give and the silence and tears that follows.

No goal, no vision, no struggle, no belief and no conviction is able to justify this loss.


How many more daddies are not going to come home anymore?

How many more mummies and sisters and brothers are never going to come home..?

When is this going to end?


I urge and I plead and I beg that those in authority, those who can make it a safer world for all of us, those in war... to value human lives and to ensure that every human in this world is precious for he or she too has a dream and a life to look forward to..

I beseech those in war to lay down your arms for no conflict in the history of this world can be solved by arms and violence.

Rest in peace, my brothers and sisters of the world as time will heal and you will never be forgotten.

* Dr John Teo, Kota Kinabalu

** This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malay Mail Online.