JUNE 30 — As of yesterday, a total of 677,751 Covid-19 patients have recovered and returned to the community.  Most of them have returned to normal health, but some patients may complain of some symptoms that last for weeks or even months after recovery from Covid-19. 

The following are some of the complaints:

“I get very tired every day. I used to be able to walk long distances before. Nowadays, I am unable to walk fast or long distances because I will have difficulty breathing.”

“I used to give speeches, but now I can’t even say more than two or three sentences as I have been wheezing almost every day.”

“I have trouble understanding and thinking now.”

“I have difficulty using the PowerPoint slides I prepared for teaching my students, my brain just got blank and I didn’t know what I should do.”

Besides the above, complaints like headache, loss of smell or taste, dizziness on standing, palpitations or increased heartbeat, chest pain, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, cough, joint or muscle pain, depression or anxiety, fever, symptoms that get worse after physical or mental activities etc are also reported after patients’ recovery.

These symptoms are caused by patients’ bodies’ response to the virus continuing beyond the initial illness. These symptoms are named Post-Covid condition or Long Covid. 

Long Covid may continue for weeks or months beyond the initial illness.  Long Covid can happen to any Covid-19 patient, even patients who were not hospitalised or had mild illness.  Some patients develop medical complications that may have lasting health effects.  

It was reported that 66 per cent of them experienced symptoms like fatigue, breathing difficulties during activity, insomnia, cough, and anxiety, for up to three months or longer after infection. — Bernama pic
It was reported that 66 per cent of them experienced symptoms like fatigue, breathing difficulties during activity, insomnia, cough, and anxiety, for up to three months or longer after infection. — Bernama pic

As Covid-19 is a new disease and Long Covid is even newer, only some preliminary findings are being reported from the West. 

In Malaysia, there is only one study conducted among 1,004 Covid-19 patients in stages four and five in the hospital setting. 

It was reported that 66 per cent of them experienced symptoms like fatigue, breathing difficulties during activity, insomnia, cough, and anxiety, for up to three months or longer after infection. 

There is no data about post-Covid condition from patients who were without symptoms or with milder manifestation (those from stages one to three). 

We need more Information from all Covid-19 patients who recovered and went back to the community, on the duration of Long Covid; what are the proportions of those who did or did not experience Long Covid, what are the common symptoms experienced, whether patients seek treatment or not, their ability to resume physical function as before illness, mental status and proportion of them returning to work etc. 

With over half a million Covid-19 patients who recovered in the country, even if a small percentage of them experienced long-term debility, this could have health and economic consequences for the country.

In order to increase the awareness of Long Covid among recovered Covid-19 patients, for clinicians and researchers to better understand the post-Covid conditions and to provide information to the stakeholders for the planning of health programs, the research team from the Centre of Epidemiology and Evidence Based Practice, University of Malaya has initiated a short survey among recovered Covid-19 patients who are discharged back to the community. 

We hope all post-Covid patients, with or without any Long Covid symptoms, will actively participate in the survey.  We do not collect names or contact details for anonymity. 

All data will remain confidential and the findings will be presented collectively. The link to the survey is:  https://redcap.link/yv5osa56.

* Professor Dr Moy Foong Ming is from the Centre of Epidemiology and Evidence Based Practice, Department of Social & Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya

** This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of Malay Mail.