JANUARY 23 ― Stay home stay safe,

We’ve been here before,

Denial or despair,

Cases are rising,

Like never before.


Politicians everywhere unrepentant,

Anarchy at the Capitol,

Troublesome Trump,

A great nation divided,

Biden and Harris must now repair.

Protect the NHS pleaded ol Boris,

Before cycling off a bit too far,

Cummings gone, Brexit done,

Oxygen supplies are dwindling,

Deaths keep spiraling.


Here, a wise King has decreed,

An Emergency ordinance proclaimed,

To quell power struggles and maybe Covid,

Democracy worryingly on hold,

Nothing to fight for now.


Elections over education,

Misplaced priorities,

The dreaded MCO resurrected,

Parliament is closed, alas schools too,

Will we ever learn.


So we lockdown again,

Till vaccines reach our shores,

It ain’t a silver bullet,

Distancing and handwashing must remain,

And mask up too, till 2022.


We must keep fighting,

Test, trace, and isolate,

Private healthcare a willing soldier,

Jail threats or hefty fines quite unnecessary,

We’re all in this battle together.


Procrastinate now, if you must,

But when those vaccines arrive,

Pzifer’s mRNA or another,

Take the shot, one for the team,

It’ll do the job, or so we hope.


Tedros, Fauci, Hisham once feted,

Now all but defeated,

Take heart, for this recalcitrant virus,

Mutant strain and all,

Surely won’t be the end of us all.

 * This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of Malay Mail.