
Most Read

‘New normal’ for supermarts — Dr Amar-Singh HSS, Yuenwah San,Dr Lim Swee Im and Ernest Balasingam

'Will my child ever be a Malaysian?' — Malaysian Campaign for Equal Citizenship

A lifeline for the law — Gopal Sreenevasan

Covid-19: Govt should allow pawnbrokers to resume operations — Marimuthu Nadason

Putrajaya should welcome Rohingya boat refugees ashore on humanitarian grounds — Tengku Emma Zuriana Tengku Azmi

Moving away from plastic-wrapped ‘bayams’ — Lalitha Monisha

Household production, gender inequality and the movement control order — Christopher Choong

Tackling an economic paradox during MCO and aftermath to restart the economy — Jamari Mohtar

A surreal Ramadan — Imad Alatas

Keep DG of Health where he is, don't turn him into a politician — Abdul Aziz Abdullah

Companies must pay for Covid-19 screening — CAP

The Rohingya crisis and the need for a permanent solution — Mohamad Hasan

How can medical students respond to the Covid-19 pandemic? — Jemima Beng-Eng Hii, Sing-Qin Ting, Woon-Theng Heng, Yek-Ching Kong, Nirmala Bhoo Pathy, Rafdzah Ahmad Zaki

Covid-19: Locked out of Malaysia due to lockdown — Mark Lea

On hope and the MCO — DJ Daddy Kay

Covid-19 is the biggest global health threat in recent history, so why is WHO lecturing us on lifestyle choices — Jo Furnival