SAN FRANCISCO, July 20 — Google has developed a new feature that lets users delete the last 15 minutes of their search history in just one click.

This could be useful if you’ve been up to something embarrassing, or if you share a device with other people.

The option is available in the main menu of the Google application, and is only in iOS for the moment.

Google is introducing a new tool to strengthen the security of the search history saved to users’ accounts. The idea is to let users delete the last 15 minutes of their search history in just one click.

To do this, you just have to select “Delete last 15 min” from the main menu of the Google application.

This feature is currently only available in the Google app for iOS, and is coming to Android later this year.

This option is especially useful for people who share devices with others, ensuring that other users do not have access to their recent searches.

Note that this only applies to users who have enabled the “Web and App Activity” setting.

This can be switched off in the “My Activity” section, so as not to save any searches on Google sites, applications and services.

Note that, thanks to the automatic deletion function, it is already possible to programme the deletion of web and app activity history every three, 18 or 36 months. — ETX Studio