KUALA LUMPUR, April 3 — Home-grown fast-food chain Marrybrown has waived its franchise royalty fee for three months from March to May 2020 due the Movement Control Order amid the Covid-19 outbreak.

Its chief executive officer Datuk Joshua Liew said in support of the government’s enforcement of the MCO, the company had been advised to adhere to all guidelines meted out by the government and respective local councils.

“However, we know the kind of impact that MCO has done to our franchisees as it is difficult for them to conduct business as usual, and we want to do our part to lessen the burden of all outlets and in support of our long-term business sustainability,” he said in a statement today.

He said the pandemic had led to a depletion of sales in industries including tourism, airlines, events, food and beverages, which added on to the stress of many business owners and staff as most worried about the security of their jobs and their ability to achieve sales targets to make ends meet.

“Due to these overwhelming occurrences and burden borne by our franchisees, Marrybrown took the initiative to not only waive the franchise royalty payment and advertising funds for all our franchisees particularly in this MCO period, but is also supporting them by talking to their landlords for rent reductions and deferral,” he said.

Liew said the company would also be working with its suppliers to ensure continuous supply and support for one another.

“Those in the food and beverage industry will definitely have concerns as now we are heavily relying on delivery and takeaway.

“This concern is also shared by our franchisers who, like us, have to think of our staff members, our customers and cost of operations which led to this decision, as we want our franchisees to feel confident about the overall economy and business so that they can continue being in a positive state of mind during the MCO period and after,” he added. — Bernama