PUTRAJAYA, May 25 — An enforcement officer of a local authority (PBT) in Selangor was arrested on suspicion of soliciting and accepting a bribe amounting to approximately RM12,000 in return for not taking action against a restaurant owner who placed extra tables and chairs in the restaurant’s car parking area.

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) in a statement today said the man in his 40s was believed to have been arrested yesterday afternoon in Selangor.

“The man is believed to have committed the act since November 2023 until now as he has been requesting and receiving monthly cash payments of approximately RM2,000.

“The investigation also found that he was believed to be sending messages to the restaurant owner through WhatsApp every month,” he said.

Meanwhile, Putrajaya MACC director Azizul Ahmad Sarkawi when contacted confirmed the arrest and said the case was investigated under Section 17 (a) of the MACC Act 2009.

He said the individual was released on MACC bail after his statement was recorded. — Bernama