KUCHING, May 25 — Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil announced the upcoming launch of a new AI-powered chatbot on WhatsApp in a bid to combat the spread of misinformation.

He said this innovative tool aims to verify the authenticity of information shared on the platform, which is widely used across the country.

“In this session, I mentioned the development of a WhatsApp app or chatbot we will launch soon to help verify topics or circulated content.

“Currently it works with text but I have requested it should also handle videos and images. Using AI, we will be able to confirm if a video is old; if any action has been taken; or what exactly the content is,” he told reporters when met after the launch ‘Jelajah Hawana Bersama Sisaw 2024’ programme held in conjunction with National Journalists’ Day (Hawana) at the Sarawak Library auditorium here today.

Fahmi added that while text verification was almost ready to launch, future features might include the verification of images and videos.

“Many people share videos from platforms like Facebook or TikTok on WhatsApp and often seek verification on these issues. These could be future features but the text verification is almost ready to be launched immediately,” he said.

While the app does not have a name yet, Fahmi highlighted the choice of WhatsApp due to its widespread use in Malaysia.

“We see Malaysians are very comfortable with WhatsApp and a lot of misinformation is spread through this platform. So, we will bring the fight against fake news to WhatsApp,” he said.

When asked about the AI verification response time, Fahmi said it takes just a few seconds.

“I have tested the system and it is quite efficient. We are also ensuring it can interact in several languages including Malay, English, Chinese and Tamil.”

On concerns about security, Fahmi assured he does not see any security issues arising from this but emphasised the importance of vigilance when receiving information via social media or online messages.

“While we are in the final stages of preparation before its official launch, I urge all Malaysians to always be cautious with any information received. If unsure, don’t share it,” he added.

Meanwhile, the programme aimed to bridge the gap between journalism professionals and students from various higher learning institutions including Unimas, UiTM and Swinburne.

It promises to be a valuable platform for fostering relationships and knowledge sharing between experienced journalists and the next generation of media professionals.

“My hope is we can continue to have programmes like this in future Hawana events — this will invigorate discussions and engagement with more community members,” Fahmi added.

Also present was Deputy Minister in the Sarawak Premier’s Department (Corporate Affairs and Ukas) Datuk Abdullah Saidol. — The Borneo Post