GEORGE TOWN, April 25 — Malaysia is soon to have a dual 5G network, as per government policy, said Digital Minister Gobind Singh Deo.

He said the government’s policy had always been moving towards a dual network.

“Now there are certain conditions precedents (CPs) that needed to be done by Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB),” he told a press conference after attending a “Connected Industries Day: Transforming Manufacturing with 5G and AI” event at Eastin Hotel here.

He said now that the board of directors for DNB have been appointed, the board will need to do the due diligence.

He said the due diligence was being prepared and should be ready soon.

“I hope that they can move forward quickly because it is very important for us to make sure that we focus on the 5G rollout,” he said.

He said this is so that everyone and industries can benefit fully from the 5G technology.

Currently, DNB is the sole 5G network provider, but Gobind said an announcement will be made ahead of the move towards a dual network.

Gobind also confirmed that DNB’s 5G infrastructure has now reached 80.5 per cent coverage of populated areas as of the end of March.

He said there are now more than 11.2 million subscribers as of the end of February.