KOTA BARU, April 17 — The Kelantan government appreciates the federal government’s willingness to help address the water supply crisis in the state.

Menteri Besar Datuk Mohd Nassuruddin Daud said it was expressed in several previous meetings he had with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

“In several previous meetings, we have indeed discussed this water problem. The federal government expressed its readiness to cooperate with the state government.

“It’s a very good response and we, the state government, are very grateful,” he said briefly to reporters, after chairing the state executive council (exco) meeting at the Kota Darul Naim Complex, here, today.

He said this when asked to comment on the steps being taken to address the state’s ongoing clean water supply issue.

Meanwhile, Mohd Nassuruddin said that the state government will hold “Solat Istisqa” (prayers for rain) if the drought and hot weather continues in the state.

He added that the approach had been done before, through the involvement of all parties, and rain started falling in several places, starting at the beginning of Syawal month.

“Previously, we have instructed community leaders and imams in mosques across the state to hold ‘Solat Istisqa’ for rain.

“Alhamdulillah, it rained in several districts in Kelantan as soon as the prayers were over,” he said.

He also advised people to reduce outdoor activities, especially children, to ensure that no more lives were lost, after a three-year-old boy died on April 1 due to heat stroke, in Kelantan. — Bernama