KUALA LUMPUR, April 15 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s unflinching stance regarding the conflict between Iran and Israel should be commended, said Nusantara Strategic Research Academy senior fellow Professor Azmi Hassan.

He said the prime minister’s assertiveness made Malaysia seen as a ‘small’ country that dared to express its position when other leaders did not issue any statement.

“In this matter, we should express appreciation (for) the bold decisiveness of the prime minister, not covertly (but) openly that we are together with Iran in this matter,” he said when appearing as a guest on Bernama TV’s ‘Ruang Bicara’ programme which was broadcast tonight.

Azmi said sectarian differences should not be an issue since the West really wants to pressure Iran to change the leadership in the country.

“When it comes to the Palestine issue, Malaysia and Brunei are known for openly supporting Palestine. Similarly, on the matter involving Iran, it appears that only Malaysia and Brunei are supportive of Iran, with Malaysia being particularly outspoken in its support.

“If we read Wisma Putra’s statement on this conflict, it states that Iran has the right to defend itself according to Article 41 of the United Nations Charter,” he said.

In the meantime, he anticipates that the conflict between Iran and Israel will not escalate to the extent of sparking World War III, as has been widely speculated.

“I am confident Israel will refrain from retaliating because Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is currently in a weak position to garner international support. The recent events in Gaza have made it challenging for him to secure backing, so there is little incentive for him to prolong this conflict,” Azmi said. — Bernama