PUTRAJAYA, March 18 — Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek today said that the Ministry of Education (MOE) has come up with an intervention curriculum for Standard 1 students to prepare them for the forthcoming 2027 School Curriculum.

She said the curriculum emphasises the mastery of literacy, numeracy, and character development through KSSR (2017 Review) Edition 3 curriculum document, implementing early literacy and numeracy screening, reporting classroom assessment results to parents and effective distribution of the KSSR (2017 Review) Edition 3 curriculum documents.

“The ministry will start with updating and restructuring the content of science and mathematics subjects at Level 1 as stated in the KSSR (2017 Review) Edition 3 curriculum document.

“We will also be implementing early literacy and numeracy screening for Year 1 students to identify those in need of early intervention, reporting classroom assessment results to parents to explain the necessary interventions for each student,” she told reporters during a special press conference here today.

She said the ministry will also ensure effective distribution of the KSSR (2017 Review) Edition 3 curriculum documents to all primary school Science and Mathematics subject teachers through workshops and training sessions.

She said the moves aim to align the existing curriculum with students’ needs and provide space for teachers, parents, and students to manage subjects such as mathematics, science, Malay, and English more effectively.

Education director-general Azman Adnan said the intervention curriculum programme will start in July and if within three months the students do not master literacy and numeracy, they will continue in this programme until they are competent.

He said early literacy and numeracy screening are crucial as some children may not have mastered basic reading, writing, and counting skills before entering Year 1.

“Within three months, teachers will conduct classroom assessments to identify students’ literacy and numeracy levels as engaging in intervention programmes will help to strengthen their confidence in learning.

“If within three months they do not master literacy and numeracy, they will continue in this programme until they are competent,” he said.

Azman also said that starting this year, the ministry will improve the reporting system so that parents can access their children’s examination results online twice a year.

He said the ministry has updated and reorganised the science and mathematics curriculum at Level 1 using terms that are easily understood by the teachers and students.

“Curriculum documents will be provided to teachers, as well as existing review documents, detailing quality-related matters within the curriculum standards themselves,” he said.