KOTA BARU, Dec 7 — The number of flood evacuees in Pasir Mas district continues to drop to 1,581 people from 527 families, as at 8 tonight, compared with 2,338 people from 756 families, recorded this morning.

According to the Info Bencana portal of the Social Welfare Department, only six temporary relief centres are operating, compared with nine this morning.

The relief centre at Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Gual To’Deh currently accommodates 640 people from 211 families; Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Gual Periok (108 people from 30 families) and SMK Baroh Pial (224 people from 85 families).

A total of 40 evacuees from 11 families are currently housed at SK Kedai Tanjong; SK Gual Periok (249 people from 71 families) and Mukim Padang Licin Mosque (320 people from 119 families). — Bernama