KUALA LUMPUR, June 5 — Veteran DAP politician Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang said today he still prefers others to call him just “Kit” despite being awarded the prestigious “Tan Sri” title in conjunction with Yang di-Pertuan Agong’s official birthday celebration.

“Thanks everyone for the congratulatory wishes. I still prefer everyone to just call me Kit,” he said in a brief Facebook post.

Lim’s post was also accompanied by a Chinese caption which translates to “thank you for the wishes, I have received [the wishes].”

Lim received the title months after he announced his retirement from active politics.

The former DAP Parliamentary leader was the first from his party to receive the second-highest federal title, following its convention for the party leaders to not accept such awards while still serving voters.

In a separate post, DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke said His Majesty’s conferment of the prestigious award was a tremendous recognition to DAP and respect to Lim’s contribution to the country’s democratic system for over 57 years.

“Even though he has never been an administrative member in the federal government, his contributions and role as Opposition Leader for over 29 years are of utmost importance in nurturing our democracy,” he said in his congratulatory message to Lim.

Lim was previously elected MP for over 11 terms, serving in constituencies spanning five states between 1969 and 2022.

Earlier, a total of 839 individuals were conferred federal awards, honours and medals for 2023 in conjunction with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah’s official birthday today.

Lim was one of 26 recipients of the Darjah Kebesaran Panglima Setia Mahkota which carries the title “Tan Sri”.

Others included the late Tan Sri Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, Tan Sri Johari Abdul, Tan Sri Anifah Aman, and Tan Sri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar.

The “Tan Sri” is the second-highest federal title after “Tun”, bestowed under the awards of Panglima Mangku Negara (PMN) and Panglima Setia Mahkota (PSM).

DAP lawmakers have previously been conferred the “Datuk” federal title following their retirement, such as Datuk Wong Han Yoke, Datuk Tan Loo Jit and Datuk Chian Heng Kai.

Several former DAP state assemblymen have also been conferred the “Datuk” (or spelt “Dato’”) state titles such as Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham, Datuk Lim Hock Seng, Datuk A. Tanasekharan, Datuk Danny Law Heng Kiang, Datuk Tey Kok Kiew, Datuk Wong Fort Pin, Datuk Stephen Wong, and Datuk Frankie Poon.