KUALA LUMPUR, April 30 — Longhouse residents in Taman Rimba Kiara need to set aside their disagreements and speak with one voice if they want to finally move into new housing, Hannah Yeoh said today.
The youth and sports minister who is also Segambut MP said that the recent Federal Court ruling on Taman Rimba Kiara banning further development meant that she could help the longhouse residents finally get the new homes they were promised long ago.
But she added that it would be difficult if the residents do not cooperate with each other and come to an agreement.
“The original plan for housing was to give one unit for the current families and one for the next generation. We’ve been consistent these past five years when we said you must have landed property on your existing land as it’s more valuable compared to a block of flats which will saddle you with maintenance bills.
“I will be meeting our prime minister soon and I want all of you to come in as one voice, speak the same thing. If for example Mr Aru wants RM200,000, Mr Sundram wants a flat, Mr Santhiran says he doesn’t want to relocate, Sivakumar says he wants a terrace. If four to five or even 10 people say different things it’s extremely hard for me to do my work.
“I’m a representative of the people and I’m trying very hard to resolve this so I don’t want any of the people representing you to confuse you, OK? If the residents are confused we cannot resolve this problem so we can’t have so many suggestions. We must be one voice,” she said.
On April 18, a three-judge panel at the Federal Court unanimously ruled in favour of a group of residents in the surrounding area to quash a development order for a luxury service apartment project on a plot of land in the Taman Rimba Kiara recreational park here that had been dragging on for nearly six years.
Yeoh was present today with the residents and organisers of the Save Taman Rimba Kiara movement to celebrate the court’s ruling.

Around 50 people turned up as early as 8.45am to listen to the speeches that began around 9.15am while others waited to snap photographs with Yeoh.
Some goodie bags were given out and Yeoh was handed a souvenir painting to commemorate the occasion.
After thanking everyone for their contributions, Yeoh said she is looking to secure financing for the longhouse residents who will need it when their relocation process begins.

“There may be people here with ideas and money and you may want to contribute. If you have that tycoon friend who can step in and help us, please communicate with Taman Rimba Kiara.
“I need tycoons like that who believe in trees and birds and will stand with us by putting money where it's beneficial not just for this generation but for generations to come,” she added.