IPOH, Feb 14 — The Royal Malaysia Police will assist the Thai authorities in the investigation into a case where a Malaysian man was seriously injured believed to have been shot by an unknown assailant at Chantharothai Road in Betong town, Yala Province, Southern Thailand on Saturday.

Pengkalan Hulu police chief DSP Zulkepli Ibrahim said the 55-year-old man was riding a motorcycle when he was shot three times by the suspect in front a convenience store at about 9pm (Thailand time).

“The man sustained injuries to his stomach and thigh and is currently being treated at the Betong Hospital. His condition is reported to be stable,” he said in a statement today.

He added that the suspect, believed to be a Thai national, was still being tracked by the police.

“The case is being investigated by the Thai police to determine the motive behind the attack, whether it was a personal dispute or business-related, he said.

“The victim has been travelling to and from Betong for years as he has a Thai national wife, and he used to run an entertainment business in Betong town,” he said. — Bernama