KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 5 — After an incident where a woman was reportedly barred entry into a police station over the length of her trousers, a DAP lawmaker said today that the authorities should not prejudice those who lodge reports by way of ‘moral policing’ over their attire.

Bentong MP Young Syefura Othman said no one would go to a police station unless necessary and everyone should be allowed access to lodge a police report without being judged for their attire.

“I am urging the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) to perform their duty without prejudice, and not be sexist towards women.

“Those who go to a police station are those in need of help. Their attire should not be an issue.

“PDRM’s job is to safeguard peace and security, not be the rakyat’s moral police,” she said in a statement.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani said police stations fell under the category of government offices, adding that the Chief Secretary to the Government had made clear the types of clothes that can and cannot be worn in a directive.

He however said exceptions are made when it involves a “life or death” emergency while insisting that the rules must be followed, and cited “kesopanan dan kesusilaan” (courtesy and morality) — the fifth principle of the Rukun Negara — as the basis.

Weighing in on the incident involving the woman that has turned into a public debate, Acryl said there had been a “misunderstanding” as the unnamed woman had worn pants that “showed her thighs”.

Young Syefura said the fifth principle of the Rukun Negara mentioned by Acryl Sani should also be practised by police personnel, including those who received reports from complainants irrespective of their attire at the time.

Earlier this week, news portal Free Malaysia Today reported a woman complaining that she had been denied entry into a Selangor district police station over the length of her trousers.

The woman whom the news portal identified only as “Karen” was said to have gone to the Kajang police station to report her car collision with a truck, only to be told by a policeman that she could not enter as her trousers were above her knees.

Kajang district police chief Assistant Commissioner Zaid Hassan confirmed the incident on February 1, saying the woman was “wearing shorts that were above her knees” initially, adding that she was allowed to enter after changing to a pair that covered her knees.