KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 5 — Tackling online scams rank number one on newly-minted Digital Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil list of things to do.

Next is data protection and misinformation on social media.

In an interview with The Star published today, he also said that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s government would focus mainly on solving the cost of living issues faced by Malaysians.

“This will be our focus, especially within the first month in office,” he was quoted as saying.

The PKR communications director also told the newspaper he was surprised and humbled to be appointed as a minister.

“I will be spending much time and getting to know and fully understanding the different agencies, major policies and current issues facing this sector,” he was quoted as saying.

The second-term Lembah Pantai MP is expected to clock in for work at 11am today and will be holding a press conference after the ministry's briefing session at 12.30pm.