PUTRAJAYA, Nov 29 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today urged civil servants to help him correct the country's course.

In his inaugural monthly address to the staff of Prime Minister’s Department, he said that the success of his administration can only be ensured by contribution from the civil service.

"I take this opportunity to invite everyone here, imploring to come together with interest and enthusiasm to bring islah towards rightness,” he said in his speech, using the Arabic term that roughly means "reform" or "change".

"It is impossible for me to succeed if this pillar of public service is not completely with me."

Anwar then stressed that holding the top job comes with a great responsibility of defending all citizens, rather than enriching family members or cronies.

He also recalled the time when he was the finance minister back in the 90s, where he had warned the government not to reward of his friends or relatives with any government projects.

"This country needs change, a level we once reached, unfortunately declined. Economy, stability and discipline.

"Even Tan Sri AG is also aware of violations of the law, including embezzlement, and corruption," he said, referring to Attorney General Tan Sri Idris Harun who stood behind him with Chief Secretary to the government Tan Sri Zuki Ali.

Anwar's presence today was also his first meeting as prime minister with the staff of the Prime Minister's Office.