SIBU, Nov 13 — Sarawakians should vote for Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) in the 15th general election (GE15) as the local-based party does not serve any “bossku” from Peninsular Malaysia, said PSB Lanang candidate Priscilla Lau.

She said she had been asked a lot why voters should support PSB instead of Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) or Democratic Action Party (DAP).

“People have been asking me why they should give their votes to PSB? They also ask about the difference between PSB, GPS and Rocket (DAP’s party logo).

“Well, GPS has shown you its report card. For about 60 years, what has GPS done? The life of our people is getting more difficult with the rising prices of goods and food.

“As for Rocket, I was happy to see this party back in 2014 or 2015 when I had hoped that Rocket could bring about a better Sarawak. I even committed myself to helping them (DAP) but nothing much has been done.

“Both Rocket and GPS have their respective ‘bossku’ to serve,” she said during the PSB ceramah here last night.

According to Lau, Sarawak has every right to regain autonomy in many aspects except defence and foreign affairs as enshrined in the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63).

She claimed: “Federal has absolute power over defence and foreign affairs only. As for the rest, Sarawak can fight to regain its autonomy.”

“But all these years, GPS and Rocket did not voice up for us. Apart from immigration, the rest of our state’s rights have been eroded,” she further claimed.

Being rich in oil and gas resources, Lau said Sarawakians should be enjoying shared prosperity like people of Dubai who had been leading a comfortable lifestyle for the country is an oil-producing nation.

“People of Dubai have been enjoying shared prosperity but what do Sarawakians get?” she asked.

She said voters should ask whether their candidates are fluent in Bahasa Malaysia, the language used in Parliament.

She added that they must also find out whether their candidates are aware of the job scope as an MP.

“Is Wong Ching Yong fluent in Bahasa Malaysia? If an MP is not good at Bahasa Malaysia, what can the MP do in Parliament?” she asked.

It will be a four-cornered fight in Lanang with incumbent Alice Lau from DAP locking horns with Priscilla, Wong and Independent Datuk Wong Tiing Kiong.

Eligible Malaysians are going to the polls on Nov 19, while early voting is slated for Nov 15. — Borneo Post