KUCHING, Aug 14 — Batu Lintang assemblyman See Chee How has resigned from Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) with immediate effect.

His resignation was announced by State Legislative Assembly (DUN) Speaker Tan Sri Datuk Amar Mohammad Asfia Awang Nassar who said the elected representative will now serve as an Independent.

“I have received a letter from See Chee How, the elected representative for Batu Lintang, on Friday (Aug 12) that he has resigned from PSB with immediate effect.

“In his letter, he said he will continue to serve the constituents in Batu Lintang and all Sarawakians as an independent member of DUN,” he told a press conference at DUN Complex here today.

Asfia said See also pledged to continue faithfully discharging his duties to the best of his ability and that he will preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of Sarawak and the Federation of Malaysia.

Following See’s resignation from PSB, Asfia said the opposition bench in DUN now consists of three elected members from PSB and two from Democratic Action Party (DAP) while Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) has 76 seats.

“We accept his resignation and we will rearrange the seating arrangement for the opposition in DUN where the Independent will not seat together with the opposition,” he said.

Meanwhile, See when contacted, declined to comment further on his resignation but informed that he will hold a press conference this Tuesday (Aug 16) on the matter.

The three-term Batu Lintang incumbent had joined PSB alongside Ba Kelalan assemblyman Baru Bian and over 20 other former Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) leaders in May 2020.

The former PKR Stampin branch chief was sacked from PKR a month prior. — Borneo Post