KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 1 — The Special Task Force on Jihad Against Inflation intends to engage further with higher education students to help them deal with increased costs of living as this group of people is one of the most vulnerable to inflation, said its chairman Tan Sri Annuar Musa.

During a press conference in Parliament, Annuar said a new programme managed by Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Economy) Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed will be launched in campuses to help the government connect with student associations and to hear their views.

“The committee thanks the Ministry of Higher Education for the many steps it has taken because more than 80 per cent of canteens have carried out the scheme in which cooked food was provided for campuses at the price of RM3.50,” the communications and multimedia minister said.

He also announced the launch of an online system at the end of this month for students to appeal the rejection of applications to receive aid by providing evidence that qualifications are met despite failure to pass initial assessments.

Regarding the continued engagement with higher education students, he said that it was important to recognise the role of leadership given to the students who have been chosen to represent the voices of their fellow students.

He also thanked campuses for succeeding in providing programmes giving students employment opportunities, saying that over 8,000 higher education students have benefited from them.