KUCHING, July 3 — Chief political secretary to the Premier, Fazzrudin Abdul Rahman, said the state government has anticipated the impact of the pandemic on the economy and has taken steps to remedy it.

The state government has outlined several approaches to stem the rising prices through the Post-Covid-19 Development Strategy (PCDS) 2030.

“The federal government is also taking various approaches to resolve the problem, which the state government has long anticipated.

“Much has been done to ensure that income of households can be increased and that the benefits of the local economy can be felt by the people as a whole,” he said after officiating at a work party (gotong-royong) at Taman Won in Matang here yesterday.

The state government would also continue to protect the welfare of all Sarawakians.

The Tupong assemblyman said this was to ensure the people could put food on their tables.

“While we do not see the immediate impacts of PCDS actions have indeed been taken. Sarawak is the only state with this strategy in order to recover from the pandemic,” he said. — Borneo Post